3 Votes
邊陲小鎮長大的喬妍(趙麗穎 飾)打拼多年之後成為了一名知名演員,但在重重壓力之下,一路走來小心翼翼。隨著一條匿名的勒索訊息,讓一樁塵封往事成為她新的陰影。同時,多年前失聯的姊姊(辛芷蕾 飾)突然現身,事情看似巧合,但背後暗藏更大的危機。
The little sister lives a glamorous life in the eyes of the outsiders in the big city. When she was younger, her older sister ran away with her lover. After many years, the older sister suddenly appears in her life again. Underneath the deep love between the two sisters, there are hidden secrets.
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