在科技公司工作的11號員工白勝(鄧超 飾)被郝大哥(楊皓宇 飾)催債,又慘遭公司裁員,為了贏回屬於自己的800萬期權,他必須在公司苟住100天。於是白勝不得已設下騙局重返公司,雖然負責裁員的張見(張本煜 飾)多番阻撓,但他卻意外在任遠勞(喻恩泰 飾)的擔保下獲得了公司內部創業的機會!他一路搜尋人才組成公司“泡泡工廠”,集齊“全能型”人事方方(鄧家佳飾)、“技術型”程序員哈雷(柯達飾)、“輸出型”公關強尼(李乃文飾) 。正當白勝以為自己可以瞞天過海時,監事周望高(鄭雲龍 飾)的出現打破了計劃,而等待他們的是一場更大的騙局…
Bai Sheng (Deng Chao) faces debt troubles and sudden layoff from his tech job, threatening his 8 million in stock options. Determined to reclaim it, he devises a scheme to rejoin the company for 100 days, securing an internal startup opportunity with unexpected support. As he assembles his “Bubble Factory” team, his plan is disrupted by the arrival of supervisor Zhou Wanggao (Zheng Yunlong), leading to an even bigger twist