大哥尊非(沈騰 飾)帶領一群兄弟投靠富商大佬,憑藉自己的手段在這個機遇與殺機並存的城市混得風生水起。就在尊非以為「錢」途一片光明之際,遊走於名利場中的美人老闆蘇笑(張雨綺飾)蠢蠢欲動開始籌謀更大的利益,看似置身事外的富商大佬黃朝晉(高捷飾)也逐漸露出真面目……陰謀背叛、權利糾葛,過命的兄弟為何反目成仇?在極惡與道義的兩端,尊非將如何為自己、為兄弟殺出一條血路?
ZUN Fei (SHEN Teng) brought a group of brothers and took refuge in HUANG Chaojing (Jack KAO), a rich merchant whose hands are in both legal and illegal business, becoming his trusted right-hand man and thriving in the “Golden City” – Macau. However, facing violence, power struggles in the underworld, and complex human drama, Fei was torn between comradeship and righteousness. He was trapped in a deadly gamble set up against him with his life at stake……