困苦的爹,辛勞的媽,破爛的院子,破碎的他。西虹市做大做強的路上怎麼把老馬家落下了? !
「湯裡沒油,兜裡沒子」的馬成鋼(沈騰飾)和春蘭(馬麗飾),趕驢打工,家徒四壁,而兒子馬繼業(肖帛辰飾)則是他們逆天改命的唯一希望。小馬很爭氣,年年好成績,一點不嬌氣,意志賊堅毅。但隨著小馬(史彭元 飾)一天天長大,他卻逐漸發現身邊的人們都越來越不對勁…
Poor dad, hardworking mom, dilapidated yard, broken son. How did the Ma family fall behind on the road to prosperity in Slinky Town? Ma Chenggang and Chunlan, who “have no oil in the soup and no money in their pockets,” ride their donkey to work, living in poverty. Their son, Ma Jiye, is their only hope of turning their fate around. Ma Jiye is very promising, excelling academically every year, tough and determined. But as Ma Jiye grows up, he gradually perceives that the people around him are becoming more and more strange…