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改編自金庸先生經典武俠著作《射鵰英雄傳》第34至40章,故事講述恩怨情仇的江湖,權勢角力的戰亂時代,郭靖(肖戰 飾)童年離別家鄉,逐漸煉就可改變局面和命運的龐大力量,雖受高人賞識和器重,得傳天下絕世武功「九陰真經」和「降龍十八掌」,卻惹來各方嫉忌,成為眾矢之的,郭靖不亢不卑,懷赤子之心,與黃蓉(莊達菲 飾)在鐵騎箭雨和硝煙旌旗中,力挽狂瀾,保護南宋邊關。雕海蒼穹,勇者無懼,俠之大者,力拔山河,成就武林傳說。
Under Genghis Khan, the Mongolian army pushes west to destroy the Jin Dynasty, setting its sights on the Song Dynasty next. Amid internal conflicts among martial arts schools, Guo Jing unites the Central Plains’ warriors to defend Xiangyang, embodying courage and loyalty in the fight for the nation.