姜子牙、姬髮帶堅守西岐,家園保衛戰一觸即發!鄧嬋玉、聞仲奉商王殷壽之命,率魔家四將等殷商大軍徵伐西岐,西岐一方得殷郊、雷震子、楊戩、哪吒等相助,更聚全民之力守衛家園。兵戈相對、法術交鋒,兩大陣營掀起強強對決,關於「封神榜」 的爭奪正在繼續…
In the second instalment of the Fengshen Trilogy, “Creation of the Gods?: Demon Force”, the Kingdom of Xiqi falls under attack by the ShangDynasty army. Now Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa, with the help of the Kunlunimmortals, must gather civilians of the entire country to defendtheirhomeland. The two camps are engaged in a fierce battle of magic, andthe competition for the Fengshen Bang (The Investiture of the Gods) continues…
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